Hunting in Oregon's Outback
Lake County offers a variety of hunting experiences. Whether you are hunting for mule deer, antelope, cougar, bear, geese, ducks, chukars, or other quarry, you are likely to find it in Oregon's Outback.
For more information about Hunting Zones and Regulations in Lake County see the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website.
Photos this page courtesy of Rick from Silver Lake unless otherwise noted.
North County Hunting Zones:
Paulina is located just east of LaPine and south of Bend. The habitat here is mostly pine and sagebrush forest. The south border runs along HWY 31.
Photo: Silver Lake Mallards
Fort Rock
The Fort Rock zone is in north-west Lake County. The habitat is mostly pine and sagebrush forest.
Photo: Silver Lake Geese
Silver Lake
The Silver Lake Zone is located on the west side of central Lake County. The habitat varies from pine and sagebrush to a few marshes and wetlands.
Photo: Silver Lake Bucks

The Wagontire zone occupies most of the north eastern half of Lake County. It consists of sagebrush flats.
Photo:Summer Lake Quail
South County Hunting Zones:

The Interstate Unit is mountainous terrain covering much of the Fremont National Forest in the south west corner of Lake County. Much of the habitat here is pine forest with lakes, rivers and a few wetlands. The Gearhart mountains are located in this zone and are old growth forest.
Photo: Cougar from Interstate Unit, Anonymous Contributor

The Warner Unit occupies the Goose Lake Valley and area north though the Abert Rim and Lake area. This area is mostly sagebrush flats with a scattering of pine and juniper forests.
Photo: Coyote, Anonymous Contributor
East County Zones:

The Juniper zone is located in the eastern central portion of Lake County. It is mostly sagebrush flats.
Photo: East Lake County Chukars
Beaty's Butte

Beaty's Butte covers most of eastern Lake County and includes the Hart Mountain area. This area has some pine and juniper forest (mostly near the Warner Mountains), but is mostly sagebrush flats.
Photo: Buck taken in Beatty's Butte area, photo courtesy of Keith R.

Photo: Retrieving a Chukar

Photo: More East Lake County Chukars

Buck taken in East Lake County
Zoning Map:
Map of Wildlife Management Units